1000 KVA Servo Voltage Stabilizer

Voltsine’s is also one of biggest supplier of 1000 KVA servo voltage stabilizer mainly designed for machinery which required high power range. These products designed suitably to help in monitoring voltage fluctuation and providing constant output. Our Voltsine’s stabilizers are ergonomically designed hence installed easily at any place and if required customization is also available as per customer’s need. Our team of professional are regularly extracting high level of technical advancement from all over the world and then using to develop our products world level. Our professionals are also monitoring the changing scenario of modern market trends and then trying their best to incorporate those changes in our products for customer satisfaction.

Rating 1000 KVA
Input Voltage Range 190V-470V, 240V-470V, 300V-470V, 330V-470V or custom built
Output Voltage Range 400V
Output Waveform True to Input
Input Frequency 45 – 55 Hz
Response Time 10 m. sec.
Correction Speed 25 – 65 V/Sec
Correction Methods Step less Correction Using Variac
Cooling Oil Cooling
Efficiency Better Than 98%
Control Circuit Microprocessor Based Control Card for easy on Line Serviceability
Duty Cycle 100%
Operation Auto / Manual
Compatibility to DG Set Specially Designed Control Card for faithful operation on Mains as well as DG Set
Operating Temperature -15°C to 45°C above Ambient